Credits to sissy for helping me change my blog layout, I really love it! ❤ ^-^ Thanks and appreciated! So I finally decided to update my so very dead blog. Last weekend was well spent with all my loved ones. Shall start off the picture above, so after my church service on sunday. I met up with Charmaine, Kelvin and Jia Luo. We went to pool at kovan, and it was my first time playing. Had tons of fun and laughter. Played arcade afterwards and then we trained down to vivo to do shopping. Ate our dinner at the secret recipe. Ended my sunday with the beautiful scenery outside vivo with Kelvin while the rest headed home. Thanks bud for sending me home after that, appreciated.
Thanks sissy for helping me settle the tickets and everything to gain entry to USS for the hollywood after-party. ❤ ^-^ Day started off with me heading down to bugis to buy my knitted top together with Jia Luo. Then trained down to vivo to meet sissy and Joy to head to USS together. This is like the best picture I've took the whole night, LOL. Had tons of fun hanging out with them, ended up gossiping at a Chinese restaurant that we've decided to dine in.
So this is what we've all ordered, it was on promotion. It came with a main dish of your choice, side dish of your choice, soup and desert. Coincidentally choose the exact the same food as sissy so here's the picture taken from her. Food was yumz. So yup here's the place where we started all our hot and juicy gossips haha. Shared alot of laughter here. After dinner, we headed out to soak up the 'party' atmosphere outside.

Walked around and took pictures. One of the many pictures that we took. Trained back home after that, had tons of fun thanks guys! ^-^ Hence I therefore conclude that it was my best weekend spent with all my loved ones. Tomorrow's the day, the day where I've to collect my O lvl results. Best of luck to me but I already prepared myself for the worst. *sigh* Alright i'm ending off my post now, bye! ❤