Hey lovelies! ♥ Been feeling quite down in the dumps lately, its just another phrase I gotta go through I guess. Have been going through this surge of emotions, all these negativity inside me. I was afraid, really afraid that I wouldn't be able to make it for my O's. Cause apparently, I'm a slow learner when it comes to studies. You know that frustrating moment when you open a book and you try so hard to understand but nothing ever goes in? Adding on, my home tutors. With my slow learning ability it seems like every lesson with my tutors can literally cause them to pull their hair out. Their facial expression, sometimes I do pity them having to get such an unlucky student like me. So all this negativity shit was inside me, I really wanted to give up. But after reading Xia Xue's blog on her latest post. Somehow my mindset did kind of change.

The whole time, I was overwhelming myself with all these negativity, I never bothered to try and look for another way to solve my problems. All I could do was wallow in self pity. But after reading her post I was feeling quite inspired and motivated. And I'm really grateful that she shared that. Not only that I've learnt not to look at problems with all its negative shit around it but I've learnt that we should always have this gratitude emotion inside us. I'm feeling alot better now, and so today I'm thankful that i'm born in S'pore and i'm being given this equal opportunity to study. ☺*nerdy-mood switched on* haha! Alright guess this is a self-reflection post (?) LOL, take care lovelies! ♥