Hey lovelies, so far this week has been pretty tough. :c i'm feeling really exhausted emotionally and i am at a loss on how to motivate myself.. today was pretty horrid. Dear boy, you wanted to cut down our time we are spending time with each other to study for o's. Okay acceptable. We can only meet up on thurs now, so if anything pops up on that day then its like.. yeah. Its easy for you to say look ahead and think of your future, work hard for it. But do you have any idea that it is secretly killing me inside? You text me as if you are updating your status on fb/twitter. Is that all that you can talk about to me? The worst thing was that when i asked you if you were going to celebrate my birthday tgt with me, you told me that you would consider. Boy really? It really hurts me on the inside. You told me that for sure you are going to marry me, though yes i know its way too early to be talking about this. But if we cant overcome this, there's just not going to be any forever between us. I am going to be independant from now on. I dont want to be seen as a weakling in your eyes. Yes lovelies this is a long post, cause this is the only place where i can pour all my feelings out. Alrighties, i'll end here, loves! ♡