Saturday, February 4, 2012

This is tough but its worth the try

Hey lovelies! Probably by the time you read this i would be on the bus to school for my flag day, cause its a scheduled post.☺goodness i cant be even more thankful that the weekend is finally here! School is just real exhausting these days. And the worst part is that though i get to have a short break from school for awhile during the weekends, i'm just piled up with heaps of homework to do and tests to study for! #lifesucks. Okay anwys back to the update, I met up with my sissy yesterday for lunch @compass's pizza hut! ☺ We talked about loads of stuff, and thanks for treating me to the 'emoji cake' ♥ Nevertheless, it was a day well spent! I am so not looking forward to next week.. i'm just anticipating today so that i would be able to see my boy and my lovely classmates. Keeping my fingers crossed that flag day would be fun today. And please Mr Sun, go easy on us. Standing under the sun ☼ for a few hours going around collecting money is no easy job! But collecting money for a good cause makes everything worth while. Alrighties thats all for now, loves! ♥ till i blog again.