Sunday, February 12, 2012

Things that I wanna get during 2012

Hey lovelies! Like i've promised im back with a happier post. I've decided to put some stuff aside and be independent from now. Things change, people change. * le sigh * Oh well, so this post is about things that i wish to get during this year. So, yeah let the pictures do the talking! (^-^) :

                                                                  # 1 - Poppin cookin
Okay so if you guys follow me on twitter, you guys would know that im a huge fan of these! If you are clueless on what im talking about head down to and watching guide to life; poppin cookin  by xia xue. This is the world's awesomest stuff i've ever seen! Have been wanting to buy it @Nex but i'm cash tight right now so. :c

                                                           #2 - Mac nude lipstick
I'm really lacking one of these! In my whole make up box there's my concealer, foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner and etc.. but just no lipstick! I really want one of these, on my favourite youtubers channel alot of them are raving about how good and nice this lipstick is.
                                                                 #3 - Iphone 4s/5 with data plan

Talking about iphones, i want it sooo badly! I do have an iphone now but unfortunately its sim carder reader spoiled so im just using it as an ipod. What i really love about iphone is its photography and social network apps in the apps store. Like all your photos now can be edited by your iphone instead of uploading your pictures to the com to edit. And i've have always wanted data plan on my phone but my parents said that i would probably get hooked into it and not focus on my studies, haha true. /:

                                                    #4 - Perm the lower ends of hair

This would be probably be done after my o lvls exams and after i've save $150 bucks. Mum said that she's not giving to give me any money to do this so gotta start saving up the money starting from now.I dont know why, when or how i started to love having permed hair but argh i just wanna have it~ Probably all thanks to weheartit and tumblr i'm loving the curls now. ☺

                                                                 #5 - Liz Lisa clothing line

If you follow me on twitter once again  you would know that i am a huge fan of floral prints! I absolutely love it and i have a huge obsession over it! ❥ Haha, i began loving liz lisa clothes when i read through Cheesie's blog. I really love her fashion sense and her clothes are just da bomb! Liz Lisa is one of them which i like the most. ☺

                                                                   #6 - Geo lenses
I just suddenly have this urge to buy geo lenses. Cause i srsly dread wearing specs. So anws, this shouldn't really be in my wishlist cause im buying my geo lenses on Wednesday tgt with sissy! ♥ I hope everything goes smoothly and my first experience wearing contact lenses would be a nice one. ☺ p/s: I will be doing a blog post on this soon!

                                                    #7  - Bobbi brown concealer
Highly raved by youtuber bubzbeauty i am tempted to buy this as my current elf concealer is running out very soon. So now i've decided to invest in a good concealer as comparing to all my other make up products, concealer is the one that i use almost everyday.

                                                            #8 - Hado Labo products                              
This is just a mini version of all the hado labo products. I bought this whole pack for $15.80, and when i used the facial cleaner for the first time i knew that i would love all the other products! I've been looking high and low for the perfect cleanser for my face and now i'm glad to say that i've finally found it. ☺ I'm currently running out of it soon so i am hoping to buy the whole set of it but it really just costs a bomb. s: But for a good facial product why not? ☺ i'm going to talk to my mum to buy this for me, fingers crossed that she'll agree.

So yup thats all for all the stuff that i wanna buy for this year! ☺ Like i've said previously my next blog post would most likely be on geo lenses, look forward to it~ alright i shall end here now, have a good week ahead guys! Loves! ♥