Hey lovelies! So from the blog title you might guess what I'll be blogging about today. This is just all my own opinion and thoughts about it and I'm sure that my views would be the same as most of u guys reading this. This post was inspired when I was under my block's lift lobby waiting for the lift when I saw this bunch of teenage boys smoking happily. They were sharing cigarettes between one another thinking that it's really cool and just laughing. Whenever I see such a sight, I just feel so upset and curse the infamous guy (I would name him) who created such stuff that harms the human. What more not only they are harming themselves but second hand smokers as well. I really hated the smell of cigarettes and shun away from them as far as possible whenever I see one. I mean you know where all these harmful smoking is going to land them to right? Like why waste your life away when you are given a chance on this earth to live? There has to be a better way than to resort to cigarettes due stress, peer pressure etcetc.. I'm glad to know that all my close loved ones do not smoke. But honestly whatever the reason is I see no reason why should someone pick up a cigarette. Alright that's all! X