Friday, July 6, 2012


Today marks the end of my another super exhausting and tiring week. Gosh, I really have no idea how long I can keep up with this. But for as long as O lvls ain't over this thing is never going to end.. Anws, I've thought about it long enough and I made up my mind that I'm so going to get my hair permed right after my o's are over. During my free time, I was surfing the net finding a good salon that I can go to and at the same time check the price for it. So I read up on some good salons, through some of my favourite bloggers's blog. Its the easiest way to find a good salon this way, trust me. As they would be sponsored and would do a review post after doing their hair. Hence I narrowed my finding scope down to either going to The next's hair salon, Jeric's hair salon or Bugis Essensuals hair salon. In the end, I made up my mind and i've decided to go to the Bugis Essensuals one. ☺ now, what I've to do is save $17 a week. Its quite a tall order but no matter how hard it is i'm definitely going to save until 200+ to get my hair done. ☺Pretty nervous for my o lvl's chi oral next week too and boy am I lucky enough to have my class photo taking clashing on the same date as my oral. Going to have a frozen smile, lol. Alright I have to go back to my books now. Bye! X