Hey lovelies! Sorry for the slow update, i've been real busy lately. I just changed my whole blog's skin to something that i've always wanted my blog to look like! ♡ #happy~ Well anwys, today for the chinese lunar calender its 人日 day so happy birthday everyone! Haha, alright so today's post is going to be a rant. Well, i dont get what so nice about being a pai kai of the school. I mean, you are big, bold and terrifying on the outside but what does it really show? You are just insecure and a freaking coward on the inside. You are just using all this means and ways to cover up. Seriously, i give 0 respect for this kind of person. Moreover, my boy has not even offended you a slightest bit for two years already. Why bear the grudge? It just makes you a more miserable person. Seriously just back off. -_- so yup, im done with my rant. Its 9.45 pm now, i gotta pack my bag, shower and hit the sack soon. This is all for now, loves! ♡